.CO.ZA Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • Registering a .CO.ZA domain name has no restrictions, however, the Name Servers associated with a .CO.ZA domain needs to be authoritative.

  • A .CO.ZA Domain Name may be Registered for 1 year only.

  • A .CO.ZA Domain Name has a Money Back Grace Period of  4 days.

  • DNSSEC is not supported for .CO.ZA Domain Names.

  • The Bulk Registration feature not is available for .CO.ZA Domain Names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Registration

Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)

  • A .CO.ZA Domain Name may be Renewed for 1 year only if there is less than a year left for the domain name to expire. For example, if domainname.co.za was registered on 15th August, 2020, the expiry date of the domain will be 15th August 2021. Post registration, the domain can be renewed for 1 more year, after which the new expiry date will become 15th August 2022. Post this, the domain can be renewed again only after 15th August 2021.

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

  • .CO.ZA transfer is a free operation and does not require an authorization code.

  • Once a transfer action is placed, the ZACR registry will send an email to the Registrant contact. If the Registrant clicks on the approval link in the email, the transfer will be processed immediately. In case the registrant declines or does not act on the email, the transfer action will fail at the end of 5 days.

  • There will be no extension in the domain’s tenure once a transfer action has been completed.

  • There is no 60 day lock placed on a domain post registration or transfer.

Contact Details Related Rules (Anchor: contact)

  • .CO.ZA Domain Names use the General Contact type in the system.

    .CO.ZA Domain Names use the following 4 Contacts:

    • Registrant Contact 

    • Administrative Contact

    • Technical Contact

    • Billing Contact

  • If a contact modification action is placed on a registered .CO.ZA domain name, the registry will take 5 days to process the action. No other updates (such as Name Server modification) can be placed on a domain during this time. 

  • Due to restrictions at the Registry level, the GDPR protection/masking feature is not supported for .CO.ZA domain names, however, the contact details of a .CO.ZA domain will be automatically hidden from the WHOIS (as the registry redacts this information at their end).

    Additional Information

    GDPR Protection

  • .CO.ZA domain names do not support Arics Technology's Privacy Protection feature.

  • The Bulk Modify feature is not supported for .CO.ZA domain names.

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

  • The name servers associated with a .CO.ZA domain name needs to be authoritative. 
  • When a .CO.ZA domain name is registered, the status of the domain name (at the Registry) will initially be “ServerHold” till the registry validates the Name Server information provided. This might take upto 24 hours to complete after which the status will change to “OK” if the domain name passes the Name Server validation.
  • If the name servers or child name servers of a .CO.ZA domain name needs to be modified, you need to ensure the new name servers are authoritative. 
  • A Name server or Child Name Server create/update action will also take 5 days to complete. No other update action can be performed when a Name server or a Child Name server update is in process.